

apogee reached, newtonian physics take over. reentry. smoother than anticipated, but reentry nonetheless. now the mundane overcomes, which i must strive to overlook; details that make me loose hope in life. "welcome back to our society rampant with wasteful practices," they clamor, as tereshkova-like i emerge from my capsule"

i have witnessed death, decay, destruction of such magnitude, those who have survived it, live in it still, would nourish on the moldiest of our scraps, quench with our most fetid sewer dregs, rejoice in a find from our worst landfill

disheartening as it is, i turn a blind eye; i must. i focus on my small sphere of influence, the small difference i can make in someones life, which in turn makes a difference, whether i actually see it or not, whether today or in another life, in mine

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