
energy potential ad infinitum

Yves Deruyter leads prayer.
inner peace burns like fire.
my mood, a live wire.
may now never expire.

i do not endure; this is no ill.
dare i ever inquest this thrill?
inhale, suffuse, degust at will,
or instead avoid getting my fill?

stigmata: my ears bleeding.
intensity, thunderous beating.
heresy! you accuse seething.
my body, my mind, time: meeting.

how else to convey,
what words cannot say.
feelings that i must obey,
or be swept by the fray.

chemistry peaking.
subduedness, meds preaching.
should i be weeping?
the end, incessantly creeping.

why should i fear?
of this, i feel dear.
yet, trouble lurks near,
that is painfully clear.

The rest all around,
do not make a sound.
Will my secret be found,
Or forever be bound?

Repose, reach me slowly.
my feelings, so holy;
crash, I fear, I will, strongly.
this fear, a figment? Imagined only?


Bleeding Heart said...

Great poem!! I could so relate!

txandi prost said...

that means so much. thank you dearly.

words find their way onto media. they stare back inquisitively. Word says to Preposition: "hey, do not look up, but i think our "writer" is staring again..." Adverb cuts in "i do not think our "writer" knows the first thing about writing." "Watch out!" cries Verb; "seek cover! the Delete key!!!! we are doomed!"

what you see is not what it was. the thoughts were there. the feelings were there. some words were there. this actually began as prose! then the words found their way around their initial seating assignments...

if you, Dream, could relate, all is not lost. one, is all that it takes: one kindred other. truth is, soometimes i feel my thoughts are too obscure, too...why go on. i will end describing my obscure thoughts with more obscure thoughts.

Amateur Dancer said...

Hey T,

that is beautiful. you write beautifully. i can also relate...i can totally feel you writing.

but, i am scared of where it is taking you.

have you told your doctor that you are swinging, that you might be mixed right now?

please be careful t..

i do not want anything to happen to you.


txandi prost said...


i have, but not in depth. i need to be much more specific about the rapid cycles. difficult to understand myself. one moment--and i mean, one moment this way, the next, that.

as for triggers, a sight, a sound...
