
v1.0 filaments of keratin


happily, consciousness loosing.
externally, mind buzzing.
distantly, sound, retreating.
deeply, brainwaves affecting.

gently, tugging beginning.
fleetingly, weight retreating.
physically, down rolling.
soundlessly, slough falling.

regretfully, prattle encouraging.
unpleasantly, words flowing.
quietly, silence wishing.
unfortunately, you denying.

forcefully, time joining.
passively, peace demanding.
mechanically, you, performing,
biologically, i, needing.


a day in perspective.

brain waves—alpha,
on the rise, theta.

again you attempt to deny,
gregariousness, misplaced, i decry.

the stupor, the drone, the purple-blue lights.
lights that burn, disinfect, and detect if you lie.

stops abrupt, as a word you put,
i return, not of want but, of choice that you took.


finally i must
depart all this dust
the unlikely sounds
that relaxed my frown
to the point that my smile
misunderstood for a while
made you no longer shy
and my feelings die

like Buddha i was
enlightenment my task
like iron i wrought
trouble all that it brought


Id it is said...

Interesting structure, especially 'three'
Have you tried the 'fib', an experimental poetic form that bases itself on a mathematical theorem.

Chipoone said...

that is pretty neet, I like your poetry

tiara said...

I love your writing. Very emotional.

Sh'shank said...

OI whers my comment...
someone is stealing worthless comments of your blog...
I said i guess something like your blogging is addictive...

Anonymous said...

forcefully, time joining.
passively, peace demanding.

that's a classic.. beautiful muse.

but why is it that you are constantly in a perturbed state? Or is it the ordinary state? It's just a request.. can you write about color GREEN sometime? a poem infact..

Baham Abu Sarj said...

silent smile

txandi prost said...


do live, not simply exist.


you are most kind.


i will explore your mention.


perhaps it is perturbance that, for the most part, fuels my words. not all is calmness, and not all calmness is inspiring.

perhaps calmness' place in my life is akin a lone dissident in a totalitarian dictatorship.

i will write "something green," and dedicate it to you.


your comment is safe elsewhere--listed under another post.


ty for stopping by.


Mel Alarilla said...

Hi Txandi,

So you are a poet too. Praise the Lord for such blessings. You have a rather short and sudden style of poetry, one that pauses every now and then. Very unique and very artistic, so easy to read too. Keep on writing, that's a God given talent. Through it you could express the longings of your soul.
God bless you more and more with every good things in life.

Yours in Christ,

Mel Avila Alarilla of "Random Thoughts"
Mel Alarilla of "Blessings"