

we all know, but we shall not give a crap. it is the way. it has worked before, and it will work now: we shall tell all, but ignore as well.

it has worked. it will work now…who the blast cares? do you think it is pity i seek? you have to be wrong; i hope you are wrong. pity? how about giving a crap? pathetic. i do not. nor should you, for that is not it, in the least.

¡¡¡¡¡ for piss’ sake, abre los putos ojos, coño!!!!! ¡¡¡¡qué parida, hostia!!!! ¡¡¡piensa!!! ¡¡la verdad, es lo que es!! ¡ignorancia no es la solución, hostia!

pero, si a ti no te importa, a mí tampoco. la ignorancia es reciproca. y si no te gusta esta situación, apáñatelas como quieras, porque ya me las apaño yo. y si os creéis que esto es sobre algo específico, que ignorantes sois.

you do not care; i wonder if you even care about appearances, you just do not care.

gatorade it is not. gatorade you could care less if it was or not.

sympathy. sympathy. you could care less. you could not care less. you could not understand any less. you could not ignore any less. if quiet i would have remained, quiet would you have stayed? ignorant, you would have remained.

it is acceptable to have problems it is acceptable to ignore, even if it will not go away, even if it will just linger.

hey everybody has problems, why shouldn't you?


Sh'shank said...

true true!!

--Sunrise-- said...


The post on my blog was not a eulogy... lol... :) *touchwood*

Polarimbi said...

hello, txandi, hola. i'm back. just wanted to check in. i hope the sun is shining wherever you are.

Polarimbi said...

hello, txandi, hola. i'm back. just wanted to check in. i hope the sun is shining wherever you are.