concept of time
phosphene apparitions, halos of color, constellationed stars, pulsate and glow, confuse, expand. sweat secretes hot, moisture of life, now ice on skin that burns magnesium white, unstoppable, ignited by beats of sodium-exposed trigger. bodily functions, aiming to fail as push remains unstructured, ever-present, revolting, bringing memories to O2-deprived brain: first marathon, first challenge, different time, state of mind normally abnormal, abnormally normal.
no zest for pain today, endurance-test cramping. creeping sodium-potassium balance disturbed but not challenged: the wall, that infinite wall that, once crossed, offers view of non-1984 utopia, green as it must, as it should, yet transition to gray that even flawed, is beauty in decay, brick calcinated, mortar chewed by teeth of low-pH precipitation.
now, final putsch. one more try. no enlightenment today, can tell. too much ground, copper 36 inches down, path to earth, all faults, flashes of conscious unrest, synaptic cycles wasted, grounded, held captive a spirit escaping a body, tied with an eight-follow-through, which it wants to break, without luck, escape, for a second or two, in search of the light that it cannot describe, a light that it sees, does not cast but peace, a light that one sees through half-opened eyes, half starved demise, half dying mind.
battleground blood flows through miles of pipes, that tunnel through a 40-year-old infrastructure of love and disdain, guts and a brain...but not quite. how far will i go today? for how long will i hunt this elusive prey? will i fail to adhere to the concept of time, as a life turns eternal, and our deities, femtosecond-decay?
heart sultry, displaced emotions?
energy dancing, open pupils?
leather elegant, blistered limbs?
razor tranquil, fresh wounds?
flesh beguiling, night ends?
graphite stoic, paper endless?
copy gleeful, manuscript fills?
life atoning, elusive visions?
love, avenging
poppies swaying, warm zephyr.
the poetry of your laughter,
loving call the robin seeks.
your body's pearly glow,
morning dew i must taste.
the essence of your state,
sweet, simple honey flow.
the fineness of your face,
moon of night, spell unfurls.
the secret of your curls,
black is night, deep is maze.
death fallen on your eyes,
fire burns, holy light.
your honor, sword of might,
justice swift, wrong it rights.
amor vengador
amapolas en la brisa.
la poesía de tu risa,
el coloquio de los mirlos.
el brillo de tu piel,
rocío, yo quiero beber.
la presencia de tu ser,
dulce y simple, virgen miel.
la fineza de tu tez,
luna llena, es hechizo.
el secreto de tu rizo,
una noche en el fez.
la muerte en tus ojos,
fuego quema, luz sagrada.
tu honor sera mi espada,
juicio justo, yerros viejos.
40 proof distorsion
recall spinning lavender sounds, midsummer's lucid parody.
heartbeats tasting dark white, explosive moon rise.
conspiring gentle shrill visions, fire chilled thoughts.
my mind's contriving touch, acrid silent crash.
distrusting death's deafening smell, alluring memory numbness.
a lash: algo verde
con sombra enferma ribera.
en bandera vuela soberbia,
a guerra pueblos envía.
cicatrices lloran savia penitente.
raices beben deshecho constante.
naturaleza viva, tiñe color.
paz, envidia, opuesto verdor.
pigmento de vida serena,
pinta la muerte, gangrena.
tus ojos, emeraldas, amor,
inmadurez rindes con temor.
símbolo de vida inminente,
nuestra tierra muriendo ardiente.
evitamos pregunta, gran cobardía.
nosotros causamos esta miseria.
dolor, lastima lagrima primera,
quiriendo ella, no espera.
to lash something green
river sicken, cold shadow.
upon banner fly high,
peace between lands deny.
savia create root-deep,
decay, lapping your feet.
your eyes, esmeraldas, amor.
ripeness surrender, ignore.
wake spring, life serene.
tinge dead flesh, gangrene.
nature's gift, undeniable splendor.
serenity, envy, juxtaposition, verdor.
sign of imminent life.
us, mother earth, strife.
dare not ask why.
pain truly decry.
grief, regret, sorrow.
here today, gone tomorrow.
breath slow, as if deep, obligated; yet subtly shallow. relative calm acting as subtext; feel pulse, each beat, increasing by 1dB awareness of surroundings.
hyper-awareness overloading the senses, shielding out spurious signals not intended for the cerebral mass consumption. profound depth of perception, agitated calmness.