
two hours and 20 minutes

the drive. the why. the fortune of sound. absence of else. rain, it did not stop. the day (morning?) before, up until three. the rain did not stop. low clouds. splatter on the windshield, droning, and in the dark, later that night, refracting any light, breaking it down into 32 bit color depth. yet with my 16MB-video-card-memory state of mind, making it hard to see, think. worry. worry for safety--why not: today is not t h e day. blurry. blurring. my mind, my vision, my perspective, my feelings.

the fortune of sound. the absence of else. softer than usual. it seemed appropriate. softer in level, harder impact. i lie: it always hits hard. impact. bass. consciousness lost. consciousness at the edge. battery. hocico. amduscia. blutengel. so many, so different. so, not what i remember. the days of love spirals downwards, calva y nada, coil, sisters of mercy. evolved. like i.

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