

...of taking one more step, of writing one more word. "What is the point, the sense of it all?" she wonders. This is not the first time she has encountered this feeling. Many times, try she has, to start something, sat down to write a thought, only to have it flooded out by the "what-ifs" of the mundane.

"For any of you reading, I am sure you are finding this perplexing, complex, non-sensical." But that is the reality of what goes through her, flows through her. "You cycle quite rapidly" her PDOC had "revealed." Cyclothymic: a word that would take its place among the many other descriptions of her, one more to add to the little black mental book of obscure terms, that seemed to adhere to the fly-paper part of her brain...a future notable mention during one of her trivia-rich dissertations.

1 comment:

txandi prost said...

why did i travel back in time to this post? reason regardless, amusing to read diagnoses past. Bipolar II as it stands today